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Fitness & Health

13th Apr 2015

10 good reasons to show smoking that you are a quitter

If our man Eric Lalor can do it, anyone can!


If our man Eric Lalor can do it, anyone can!

So maybe you are thinking of quitting smoking. Stop thinking and get quitting. Here are ten reasons why it’s a good idea:

1. Taste-bud resurrection

Pardon? That’s a bit dramatic! It’s true though. As soon as you come off the smokes, both your sense of smell and taste improve. Now, you can really enjoy your bacon, cabbage and mash.


2. Aroma improvement

Again, what? Lads, it’s no secret that if you quit smoking, you will cease smelling like the smokes you’ve smoked! It’s that simple. Instead of smelling like an ash-tray, you can smell nice. Buy some cologne for added effect.

3. Wheezing cessation

Smoking makes breathing difficult. There is no disputing that fact. You will notice that when you’ve quit the habit, your breathing becomes more free, less tight. You can walk around without sounding like a 97-year-old man who has just run the 100m against Usain Bolt.

4. Youthful complexion

Smokers always look older than they are. Smoking accelerates the ageing process, but as soon as you quit, the skin and complexion start to look healthier and younger.


5. Wealth accumulation

Smoking is not a cheap habit. With a regular box of smokes costing a tenner, you are literally spending a fortune throughout the year. Stop smoking and watch your bank balance grow. It’s not rocket science.

6. Relationship chance enhancement

Come again? Well, for all the single people out there who are trying dating agencies, you will notice that a lot of perspective partners fell by the wayside. Reason? These painful three words ‘Non-smoker preferably’.


7. Bedroom inactivity

Not only do you smell like an ash-tray and look extremely old and haggard, but you are more likely to suffer from impotence too. Yes. It has been proven that smoking can cause impotence and impact your erection. Stop smoking if you like fun.

8. Infections increasing

If you are a smoker, you are a hell of a lot more susceptible to seasonal flus and colds. You keep smoking and you are more likely to fall to the dreaded fate that is……’manflu’.


9. Saving others

It is well documented that secondhand smoke is estimated to cause thousands of deaths every year around the world. Do your bit for your fellow humans and knock the habit on the head.

10. Increase physical performance

Smoking causes the heart and lungs to work a lot harder than they need to. The simplest of tasks, such as walking up a flight of stairs become such an arduous chore. Get healthy, get fit and just quit.

You can also read the weekly diary about our Eric Lalor’s quest to quit smoking here.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge