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Fitness & Health

04th Feb 2017

Having any of these common phobias must make life very tricky

Rosanna Cooney

Often the things we fear, become the things we hate…

Our fears are sometimes hidden or sometimes laid bare for the world to see. Often fear is the reason we cite for our inaction, our failure to follow through with big ideas, it can be a dream killer and a passion muter but it can also be a great motivator.  Phobias on the other hand, are often seen as debilitating. They can restrict their sufferers from the normal passage of life.

While there is some sympathy to be felt for people who must wade through life constantly trying to avoid that which terrifies them. There is also peculiar fascination with the phobias which, it must be said, irrationally afflict some among us.

Some phobias find their root in personal welfare, like Hypochondria, the fear of illness, but then there is there is the impractical;Koumpounophobia, a fear of buttons, the highly impractical; Selenophobia, a fear of the moon and the stupendously knobbly; Genuphobia, a fear of knees, which must make summer a royal nightmare.

Misophonia,a fear of certain noises, is the phobia of the moment, as those who suffer greatly in the vicinity of other people’s loud chewing have recently been given scientific recognition for the legitimacy of their pain.

While aforementioned phobias are relatively niche,  nine of the most common phobias in the world are as follows;

Agoraphobia: fear of open spaces

While it is generally understood to be a fear of open spaces, agoraphobia is a more complex fear. It is an anxiety disorder than can trap people in their homes or make leading a normal life incredibly difficult.

Acrophobia: fear of heights

Some people fear heights so badly the escalators can give them vertigo. Vertigo is different to the phobia and is the sense of dizziness people develop when afflicted. It is another debilitating phobia, no sky diving, no bungee jumping, no apartment living.

Pteromerhanophobia: fear of flying

This is one that while on the surface seems logical, you are in a toothpaste tube hurtling through the air, is also irrational as air travel is statistically the safest method of transport.

Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed spaces

Sometimes the fear of flying is closely linked to this fear of enclosed spaces, people with this fear say they feel like the walls are closing on them.

Entomophobia: fear of insects

They are small, they crawl and they often bite, the animosity many people feel towards spiders and insects is comprehensible however their tiny presence is never far away.

Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes

Understandable, although easily avoidable. Thank you St Patrick.

Cynophobia: fear of dogs

Less understandable.

Astraphobia: fear of storms

Thunder, lightening, rain, duvet, movie, hot chocolate, fear has no place here.

Trypanophobia: fear of needles

Having a pointed sharp piece of metal inserted into your skin is usually an unpleasant thought and a phobia of needles can make life difficult for those who ever want to give blood, travel to countries needing vaccinations or get IV hydrated. Worth conquering this one if possible though.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge

