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12th May 2011

Donald Trump reveals ‘comb-over’ methods

He’s the billionaire titan of American business, yet Rolling Stone were courageous enough to ask the question on everyone’s lips – “Is that a comb-over, Donald Trump?”


He’s the billionaire titan of American business and reality TV, yet Rolling Stone magazine were courageous enough to ask the real question on everyone’s lips – “Is that a comb-over, Donald Trump?”

The US Apprentice host and business magnate conducted an interview with the music weekly bi-weekly this week to discuss his presidential aspirations and suitably for the world’s most powerful job yet unsurprisingly, the question of the secret behind his mysterious bouffant arised:

“Okay, what I do is, wash it with Head & Shoulders. I don’t dry it, though. I let it dry by itself. It takes about an hour. Then I read papers and things…”

“OK, so I’ve done all that. I then comb my hair. Yes, I do use a comb. Do I comb it forward? No, I don’t comb it forward,” Trump told the magazine in an unusually candid interview.

“I actually don’t have a bad hairline. When you think about it, it’s not bad. I mean, I get a lot of credit for comb-overs. But it’s not really a comb-over. It’s sort of a little bit forward and back. I’ve combed it the same way for years. Same thing, every time.”

Trump had until two weeks ago been a front-runner for the Republican nomination for their 2012 US presidential candidate, winning partisan plaudits for his dogged pursuit of the ‘birther’ issue – the question of whether or not President Barack Obama had actually been born in the US.

After Obama decided to settle the debate once and for all by issuing his long-form birth certificate, not to mention his extraordinary success and finding and killing Osama bin Laden, US voters unsurprisingly had second thoughts on whether the current host of the US Celebrity Apprentice should enter the Oval Office.

Trump’s popularity slide was highlighted at the recent White House Correspondent’s Dinner, where Obama poked fun at the magnate by stating that the decision whether or not to fire Gary Busey from the Celebrity Apprentice was the kind of decision “that would keep me up at night”.

Saturday Night Live cast member Seth Meyers piled on the abuse at the event, noting that it was odd that Trump appears on Fox News as often as he does, considering “a fox often appears on his head”.

Latest Public Policy Polling numbers have shown support for Trump as President has dropped to 8% for Repubicans, down from a high of 26% only a month ago.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge

