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Movies & TV

19th Feb 2015

A British TV station is recreating Robin Williams’ death by casting a porn star

Stay classy Channel 5

Paul Moore

Stay classy Channel 5

The producers of Channel 5’s series Autopsy have commissioned an episode that will restage Robin Williams’s suicide.

We’re all in favour of freedom of speech and expression but this seems like a pretty tasteless and tacky move on the stations part.

The show has previously recreated the deaths of Elvis Presley, Karen Carpenter and Anna Nicole Smith amongst others but this seems like it’s a bit too soon.

A French porn star named Alain Poudensan will be portraying the famous comedian and some of his back catalogue of films include 1983’s Ma Culotte est Mouillée or, as it’s known in English, My Pants Are Wet.

Poudensan does have similarities with the much missed comedian, as seen below, and he could very well be a talented actor but we imagine that Williams’ family might have a few choice words to say about this production.


The news hasn’t been well received on Twitter.

Photo via – Mirror

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