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22nd Jul 2014

Bono’s daughter Eve Hewson reported to star in Steven Spielberg’s new U-2 spy plane film

The world works in 'Mysterious Ways'...

Paul Moore

The world works in ‘Mysterious Ways’…

Eve Hewson has well and truly emerged from her father’s illustrious shadow – JOE heard he is the lead singer of some band named U2 or something – to establish herself as one of the most talented young actresses working today.

In her previous films, the 23-year-old has already starred alongside Sean Penn and James Gandolfini, however, her new role may require a small history lesson from her old man.

Hewson is in talks to join Tom Hanks, Alan Alda and The Wire’s Amy Ryan in Steven Spielberg’s new and still-untitled film about the U-2 spy plane incident.

Yep, you read that correctly. A U-2 spy plane film. Starring Bono’s daughter. You really couldn’t make this stuff up.

If that wasn’t reason enough for the Hewson family to be excited, the screenplay is also being written by the genius duo of Joel and Ethan Coen. The film is based on the true story of James Donovan, who was the American attorney tasked with negotiating the release of pilot Gary Powers in the wake of the 1960 international incident.

We didn’t manage to get a direct comment from Bono himself, but we reckon that Eve’s father is undoubtedly bursting with Pride (In the Name of Love). Sorry.

The film is set to be released on October 16, 2015.

HT – Comingsoon

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