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Movies & TV

18th Sep 2015

Taken is being made into a TV series

Given how much money the movie franchise made, we're not surprised

Tony Cuddihy

He will find you, and he will bleed every last penny out of doing it too.

Well, not Liam Neeson specifically as he will have no part in the planned new Taken TV series, which will focus on the young Bryan Mills before he had a family.

NBC has commissioned a full series as Mills learns the skills that he will bring to bear on those nasty villains who decide to play hide and seek with his immediate family.

Luc Besson, who wrote the original film from 2008, is behind the series.

Even though the central character will be a much younger Mills, the series will be set in the present, which makes about as much sense as casting the then 24-year-old Maggie Grace as a young teenager in the original film.

There’s no word yet on who will step into Neeson’s shoes to play Mills.

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