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02nd Aug 2018

WATCH: Ted Walsh provided a classic Ted Walsh moment at the races today

Alan Loughnane

Ted Walsh

Ted pulls no punches…

The Galway Races are on-going this week as the city embraces the return of horse racing action and an influx of welcome visitors to the west.

Ladies Day passed on Thursday but the weather wasn’t exactly kind to those glammed up for the day as rain and drizzle hovered over the course like a bad smell for most of the day.

But it wasn’t all doom and gloom as viewers at home once again had Ted Walsh providing analysis of the festival for RTÉ alongside presenter Robert Hall.

At the end of each day of coverage, Hall asks Ted Walsh some Twitter questions from members of the public. These often have little to do with horse racing as the little segment below shows as Ted is asked about the plant Ragwort, as spotted by JOE reader Edel Lennon.

Who knew he’d have such strong views on those who let Ragwort thrive?

According to the Donkey Sanctuary: “Ragwort has become a widespread issue for horse and donkey owners, as the plant, which commonly thrives on wasteland and road verges continues to spread to grazing land.

“Ragwort contains toxic compounds which cause liver damage to equines and other livestock animals, and in many instances can be fatal.

“The yellow flowering plant acts as a cumulative poison, and can pose a real danger whether eaten in large quantities in a short period or in small amounts over a longer period of time.

“While horses and donkeys may instinctively avoid eating Ragwort, this is not always the case, particularly when grazing is sparse. It is just as toxic when cut and dried, since this is when the plant loses its bitter taste and will be even more palatable.”

Also, who can forget when Ted was asked about the Kardashians last year?

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