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10th Sep 2016

This Game of Thrones theory about Tyrion could change everything

Alan Loughnane

Talk about a curveball…

We will give this warning once and once only: This post is dark and full of spoilers…


Season 6 of Game of Thrones seems like a long time ago, but it’s only been a couple of months since Cersei went rogue and blew up half of King’s Landing in a blazing storm of brilliant emerald wildfire.

It’s even longer since the Battle of the Bastards when Jon Snow became the hero we always knew he was destined to be in one of our favourite ever episodes of Game of Thrones.

Season 7 is set up to be a barnstormer and despite what Podrick Payne has predicted, we think the ending will be fiery with dragons and plenty of action.

We’re no stranger to Game of Thrones fan theories and one of the biggest of them all was seemingly proved right at the end of the last series, but this latest one concerning Tyrion could be just as momentous.

One of the main things we know about Tyrion is that he’s not your typical Lannister, he’s somewhat of an outlier in the family. Which is no harm when your nephew is was a tyrannical maniac, and your brother and sister have been having an incestuous relationship.

Tyrion is described as having one black eye and almost white hair in George R.R. Martin’s books, and Tywin did seem to have an irrational dislike of him.

What other family do we know who are famous for their almost white hair? Yes, House Targaryen…

The theory goes that King Aerys was infatuated with Joanna Lannister and that Tyrion is actually the son of Aerys and Joanna.

This would explain Tywin’s attitude towards his son, he hates him because he’s not his son at all, but out of love for Joanna, and possibly duty, he raised Tyrion as his own.

We’re not sure about this one we have to say, we think the Jon Snow one was probably as much birthing switcharoo as we can deal with right now…

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge