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31st Mar 2017

#TRAILERCHEST: Avatar meets The Fifth Element in Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets

Rory Cashin

Seriously, if you can think of a better description that “Avatar meets The Fifth Element”, do let us know!

Welcome to #TrailerChest, where we’re taking a sneak peek at the brand new trailer for Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets.

Plot’s it all about?

In much the same way as The Fifth Element involved normal people destined on saving the entire universe, the same goes here, as Valerian (DeHaan) and his crime-fighting partner Laureline (Delevingne) are charged with protecting Alpha – literally, a city composing of a thousand planets – from sure-fire destruction from an inbound menace.

From the director of The Fifth Element, Leon and Lucy, Luc Besson has an imagination that is practically unmatched in Hollywood, and his visions of an intergalactic future are nothing short of jaw-dropping here.

They also happen to include Rihanna playing a shape-shifting flapper-girl, which we’re sure is integral to the plot.


Starring: Dane DeHaan, Cara Delevingne, Clive Owen, Rihanna, John Goodman, Ethan Hawke, Rutger Hauer

Directed by: Luc Besson

Irish release date: 4 August 2017

Clip via Movieclips Trailers

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge