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Movies & TV

18th Feb 2015

Video: Man unsuccessfully tries to hide on live TV when spotted coming out of 50 Shades of Grey alone

Oh, the shame

Conor Heneghan

Oh, the shame.

We’re wary of stereotyping about 50 Shades of Grey because everyone is entitled to go and see whatever movie they want.

That said, the consensus seems to be that the majority of men that watched it in the cinema were dragged (so they say, at least) along by their better halves.

There were men that would have gone to see it on their own, of course, but one man in Denmark didn’t appear to want anyone to know he had gone to the cinema to see it, having been spotted during a live report on TV2Nord.

Having initially been caught off guard by the camera, the man in question instinctively thought to go back into the cinema but merely lingered in the background while the camera was still rolling.

He then tried to sneak out behind a couple of girls but was stung whey they suddenly turned around, at which stage he just put the head down and decided to get it over with.

Caught. Rotten.

Video via YouTube/EmilFrom

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