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21st Dec 2012

Video: The Heat – Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy do a girls version of Bad Boys

Remember Bad Boys with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence? Well Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy are doing a girls version, with some kick-ass slaggings.


Remember Bad Boys with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence? Well Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy are doing a girls version, with some kick-ass slaggings in The Heat.

by Genna Patterson

Since Bridesmaids, Melissa McCarthy is trading pretty well on her potty mouth and this movie seems to be another vehicle for her to move up the comedy ladder.

Featuring some aggressive put-downs and some bad attitude, McCarthy plays a cop, Shannon Mullins, in pursuit of a drug lord. Sandra Bullock on the other hand, plays a prissy, straight-laced FBI agent, Sarah Ashburn.

The pair team up, after an initial dislike, and Mullins sets out to loosen Ashburn up as they hunt for their target. This means teaching her to drink, dance and throw grenades.

The Heat looks to be a typical buddy-comedy with lots of misunderstandings and back talk.

The director, Paul Feig has such comedies under his belt – Bridesmaids, US Office, Weeds and Arrested Development so we have high hopes.

Released April 5, 2013.

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