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22nd May 2024

Oasis drop huge hint that they’re about to reunite

Ryan Price

It’s been fifteen years since the band went their separate ways.

Oasis have dropped possibly their biggest indication ever that they’re going to get back together.

Now, we’re well aware that an ‘Oasis reunion’ rumbling has come about once every six months over the past decade, but this certainly feels like the most legitimate nod to a reconciliation that we’ve had.

The breakup of Oasis in 2009 resulted from the endless feuding between brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher. Their tumultuous relationship, filled with bitter arguments and public confrontations, ultimately took its toll on the band’s cohesion and ability to continue creating music together.

Since then, both brothers have gone on to form their own bands and have established successful music careers in their own right.

Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds have released four studio albums while Liam Gallagher had little success with short-lived band Beady Eye, but has released four critically acclaimed solo albums since 2016.

Fans started to get excited on Monday when the band’s official X page, a cryptic video of a country house was posted with no caption or explanation.

Die-hard fans immediately recognised the similarity between the aerial shot of the house and pictures of the old Sawmills Studios in Cornwall, where the band’s debut album Definitely Maybe was recorded.

Monday’s post was followed yesterday by a grainy clip displaying the band’s original logo, sparking even more speculation that a reunion is nigh.

While several people have noted that the 30th anniversary of the iconic album that shot to band to fame comes later this year, and that all of the cryptic posts may just be the build up to a re-release, others are more hopeful that the time might finally come where we see the brothers from Burnage take to the stage together again.

The comments section of the social media post was awash with speculation from fans, with one admitting: “A little pee just came out!”

Another user speculated where the reunion might take place, writing: “Imagine the reunion at Leeds omg omg.”

Alongside multiple fingers crossed emojis, another person wrote: “Both brothers are in there arranging the tour they owe us.”

Speaking on the Jonathan Ross Show earlier this year, Liam revealed he hadn’t spoken to his brother in 10 years.

“I haven’t spoken to him. I haven’t spoken to him for about 10 years,” he added, correcting himself: “Since 2009 I think.”

When Ross opined that people might feel the estranged brothers are missing out, Liam added: “Nah. I’m having a great time. Don’t worry about it. I’m all good man.”

When pressing him on the possibility of a reunion once more, asking “So that’s not happening?” Liam joked: “Not this week, no.”

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