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02nd Aug 2013

Bear steals entire food dumpster from the back of a restaurant

Winnie the Perp.

Eoghan Doherty

One Colorado bear is presumably on the run from the cops after being caught on camera stealing a dumpster full of food not once, but twice, from the back of a local restaurant.

In his defence though, he was probably only after the bear necessities.

Clearly his friends Yogi and Winnie were having some sort of teddy bear’s picnic down in the woods today and, being the great guest that he is, this particular bear didn’t want to arrive empty-pawed.

We don’t really know what the big deal is anyway –  the restaurant did say they did take-away after all.

Check out the clip below to witness the completely surreal sight of a bear, on its hind-legs, stealing the dumpster and then coming back for seconds:

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