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24th Oct 2018

The Sun reporter takes aim at Leo Varadkar again

Rory Cashin

It isn’t even entirely clear why they’re attacking him this time.

The Sun is no stranger to taking shots at Irish PM Leo Varadkar from time to time.

Remember the time they branded him as an ‘airhead’ on their front page?

Or the time they referred to him as “gobby,” “patronising,” and “pompous”?

Or what about the time they skipped straight to the point and declared “The Sun has some advice for Ireland’s naive young prime minister: shut your gob and grow up.”

They’ve clearly developed and maintained an opinion on Varadkar, which has been solidified this week when, in the middle of an article about French president Emmanuel Macron, they still took time out to aim at the Irish PM again.

While they referred to Macron as a “Napoleon tribute act” and telling him that it is “Time for l’enfant terrible to grow up”, the article kicked off with the following statement:

“Clowns to the left of us, jokers to the right. On one side, Irish PM Leo Varadkar is more a comedian than he is a statesman, though it’s not a high bar to clear.”


Again, quite why Varadkar was dragged into The Sun’s article about Macron isn’t clear – maybe it has something to do with how Brexit is going? – and while we love a good beef as much as the next person, at least base the beef in some good puns, and not just quote the lyrics to a Stealers Wheels song at random.

Must try harder, The Sun!

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