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28th Jul 2023

Supermoon to be visible above Ireland for several days next week

Stephen Porzio

Astronomy experts have provided advice as to how to best witness the phenomenon.

Astronomy Ireland is encouraging people to look to the skies at certain times next week as a supermoon will be visible above Ireland.

As NASA explains, this phenomenon occurs when the moon is full and its orbit is at its closest point to Earth. When this happens, the moon winds up appearing slightly brighter and larger than a regular full moon.

Next week’s supermoon is the second of four supermoons that will arrive in 2023. It is known as the sturgeon moon as this type of fish was mostly caught by Native Americans in the Great Lakes of North America at this time of year.

supermoonThe sturgeon moon rising above the Statue of Liberty in New York City on August 10, 2022, as seen from New Jersey

Astronomy Ireland said in a statement that the public should be able to view the sturgeon moon – which could be up to “30% brighter” than a regular moon – on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

It also said that Tuesday is set to be the best night to witness the phenomenon with the moon rising at 10pm, though people should still be able to see it on Monday and Wednesday. The moon will rise on Monday at 9.30pm and Wednesday at 10.20pm.

Speaking about the sturgeon moon, Editor of Astronomy Ireland Magazine David Moore explained:

“The best time to watch is at moon rise, which is the same time the sun sets, when a further effect, called ‘the moon illusion’ kicks in which can make the moon look even bigger to the human eye/brain combination.

“People get very creative at these supermoon rises and line them up with buildings, sculptures, landscape features, and even friends and families to make very creative photos and we want to feature them in Astronomy Ireland magazine so we are hoping people all around the island will send us their best photo for our special supermoon issue.”

Along with photos, Astronomy Ireland Magazine is also asking people to send in written comments of their observations for publication in a special review of the event.

For more details, visit Astronomy Ireland’s website right here.

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