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14th Sep 2023

‘Once in a lifetime asteroid’ turns out to be hole dug by Irish lads with kid’s spade

Steve Hopkins

Virgin Media News has been forced to update its report

“It’s a huge, mysterious crater that looks out of this world,” a Virgin Media News report announced on Thursday morning, showing a picture of a hole on Portmarnock beach in Dublin.

But, as it turns out the “crater” might just have been dug by a couple of lads with plastic kids’ spades over the weekend. Well, so Twitter suggested.

‘Once in a lifetime asteroid’ turns out to be a hole dug by lads with kid’s spades.

An Instagram story began circulating on social media following Virgin Media News’ discovery showing a shirtless man in the hole with a green plastic spade, as another gent observed from above. A second spade was visible at the top of the crater.

In the report, it was announced that the hole “looks out of this world” and then introduced local astrophysics enthusiast Dave Kennedy who was “stopped in his tracks” when he spotted it and is “certain the small but heavy rock inside it came from up above.”


Several hours later Virgin Media News dispatched a new report announcing that the “meteorite mystery” had been solved, “denting the hopes of a local space enthusiast”.

“Footage emerged last night of two men digging a hole,” a Virgin Media News anchor announced, before explaining how the story unfolded.

The report went on to explain that Dave was “disappointed” by the development but still planned to get the rock examined in the hopes it wasn’t a “completely fruitless discovery.”


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