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16th Nov 2015

8 simple tasks that the most successful entrepreneurs repeat every day

The key to success

Colm Boohig

The key to success is often down to some basic factors.

You often hear successful people say that, as well as hard work and knowledge, doing the basics often and well are key factors to long-term success.

This applies to the world of business as well, where repeating healthy practices on a daily basis can help make the difference between the good and the great.

According to Business Etiquette Expert, Jacqueline Whitmore there are a few simple exercises out there that are reliable recipes for success.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at eight ways you can focus your time and energy to live a healthier and more rewarding business life.

Don’t ever skip that most important meal of the day

People easily and often underestimate the importance of breakfast.

Even though it can be difficult to put time aside, be sure grab a few minutes at the start of your day and eat something substantial and not just a quick cup of coffee.

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Don’t just wing your workday, be pro-active and plan ahead

The most successful business people are able to prioritise their core objectives better than their peers.

It’s easy to get bogged down on tasks which we think are important, but actually take up a lot of time with little reward in return.

Instead, find out what time of day you do your best work and focus that time on customer satisfaction and profitability above all else.

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Focus by NOT checking your email

This may sound kind of mad at first glance, but if you’re inundated with a major project or an important meeting, then avoiding emails first thing in the morning can actually help your productivity.

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We can all relate to checking our emails on the commute to work and then getting distracted at seemingly new priorities.

Stick to your original plan though and limit your email watch to the bare minimum when tackling vital projects.

Be selective in who or what you say ‘yes’ to

A lot of the time, a young and ambitious entrepreneur will be eager to say yes to every opportunity and invite they receive, but be careful.

The best entrepreneurs have no hesitations in being ruthless when it comes to saying no. It’s all about striking that balance between people pleasing and putting your own business’ needs first.


Share the love by delegating responsibility

Richard Branson has become one of the most successful businessmen known to man for a raft of reasons, but high up on that theoretical list is his unrivalled ability to delegate.

Many scoff at delegation as a way to simply pass your work onto others, but there is actually a lot of skill in delegation.


In his famed book, How To Win Friends and Influence People, author Dale Carnegie said that the best entrepreneurs recognise their limits and allocate jobs to those with expertise in the area.

It’s certainly something to think about.

Take a breather at some point during the working day

The top professionals understand that you need to respect your body and mind in order to recharge the batteries so that you can attack your work again.

Like the idea of ensuring you catch a bit of breakfast, taking a lunch break is just as vital.


Always make sure that you get away from the desk when you’re grabbing a bite, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

You will be surprised how much your day will improve afterwards.

Above everything else, always remember to respect those you work with

Being the leader is great and all. You, in theory, have all the control and the buck stops with you. Abuse this power though and you could soon find yourself with a mutiny on your hands.

As an entrepreneur/business-owner, the most important commodity in your business are your staff.

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Treat them with respect, appreciate their skill set and watch the company’s success levels soar.

Finally, when you’re leaving the office/work space be sure to clear your desk as well

Your work space is inclined to get dirty during the day, especially when you’re really busy. That’s only natural, but before you leave make sure that everything is cleaned.

This may take a minute or two when you’re tired at the end of a hard day, but it’s definitely worth the trouble.

A clean space is a clean mind, and acts as a symbol for a job completed. The elite entrepreneurs are regularly very tidy; it’s a sign of control and clarity.

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So, there you have it, a few simple things to remember on your way to becoming the next big thing in the business world.

Go get it!

