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22nd Dec 2023

Symptoms of ‘contagious’ winter bug causing 72 hours of hell for people

Charlie Herbert


You don’t want this for Christmas.

Winter is here and with just a couple of days until Christmas, there’s one thing you don’t want to do now: get ill.

A self-inflicted hangover is one thing, but there are few things worse than being struck down with a bug or illness at what should be one of the most enjoyable times of the year.

Now, people are being warned about a highly-contagious bug going round which could leave you bed-bound for days – norovirus.

This is more than a cold we’re talking about here. Norovirus has some pretty nasty symptoms that could wipe you out for the festive period.

Also known as a the ‘winter vomiting bug’, this virus can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

That is because it causes inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining.

norovirus‘Contagious’ winter bug norovirus is causing 72 hours of hell for people

Cases of the bug are up, having reportedly tripled in the last month.

Usually, symptoms will last about 72 days, but in the most extreme cases they can last for up to 10 days.

Other signs of norovirus are stomach cramps, a mild fever, a headache, muscular pains, a loss of appetite or a change in general health – such as weakness, drowsiness, irritability, mental confusion.

The most important thing to do if you have norovirus is to rest and drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration. Most of the time you can treat the illness at home.

However, patients are advised to visit A&E if they notice blood in their stool; their stool is black; they experience diarrhoea with intense abdominal pain or diarrhoea paired with extreme thirst; or they have not urinated in 12 hours.

Frequent vomiting which does not slow down after four to six hours, or blood in vomit, are also signs someone should visit a hospital.

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