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Movies & TV

21st Feb 2014

14 reasons you should be watching House of Cards (if you’re not already)

The original online-only Netflix show returned last weekend and although many of you have probably binge-watched the second season already, there are any amount of reasons for non-watchers to lose their House of Cards virginity as soon as possible.


The original online-only Netflix show returned last weekend and although many of you have probably binge-watched the second season already, there are any amount of reasons for non-watchers to lose their House of Cards virginity as soon as possible.

If you’re not already getting stuck into the immensely gripping and thrilling Netflix original starring Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood; a scheming, sneaky, slippery Senator, then you really should be. Seriously, stop what you’re doing and start watching right now. Go on, we’ll wait.

Set in present day Washington D.C., House Of Cards is a political drama that tells the immoral tale of Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a disgruntled Democrat who, after being passed over for appointment of Secretary of State, decides to exact revenge on those who betrayed him.

Like a Mayo man after the All-Ireland football final, this is one man that you most certainly do not want to piss off.

Over the course of the two series (so far), Underwood has managed to… well, why let JOE spoil it for you when you can treat yourself to the entire first season right here on Netflix. After you have a good gander at our reasons for doing so, of course…

1. If it’s good enough for the leader of the Free World, then it’s good enough for you…

President Barack ‘Team Underwood’ Obama may (or may not – thanks, JOE lawyers) spot a few storylines that are a little bit close to home.

2. Kevin Spacey

One of the greatest actors. Manipulative, Machiavellian, ruthless and also charming as hell when he needs to be, particularly when checking in with the audience during one of the many private moments he shares with the viewer during every episode.

3. The first scene of the first episode of the first series.

Now this is how you introduce a character…


Nice to meet you Frank Underwood. Strangling a dying dog (you can’t see the dog but that’s what he’s doing) in the first 30 seconds of the show. Doing what is absolutely necessary.

4. David Fincher

With the likes of Fight Club, The Social Network and Se7en (which also featured Kevin Spacey, of course) Fincher had already established a sterling reputation before House of Cards and he has only enhanced it since. An executive producer of the show, Fincher directed the first two episodes of the show and his fingerprints (style, mood, visual aesthetic) are all over it, which is certainly no bad thing.

5. The twists…

Don’t worry, we’re not going to spoil anyone’s fun – there are enough evil folk all over the Internet willing to do just that – but needless to say this thing is twistier than your twisted uncle trying to watch Twister while trying to play Twister and sucking on a Twister.

6. Kate Mara

The calculating reporter Zoe Barnes certainly caught Frank’s eye and, it nearly goes without saying, she caught our eye too. Like the eh, fearless and unstoppable reporters in JOE Towers, she’s not afraid to do what it takes to get a story and doesn’t mind putting a few noses out of joint while she’s at it.


Even better from our perspective, with grandparents hailing from Dublin, she’s, ahem, got a bit of Irish in her.

7. It’s The West Wing… for evil people

That’s not to diss The West Wing because we loved The West Wing and Aaron Sorkin’s sharper-than-sharp dialogue, but there are far more ruthless bastards in House of Cards and we imagine that the fictional world they inhabit might be a bit closer to reality than the one in which President Bartlet and company existed.

8. Robin Wright.

An award-winning force of nature, she’s as calculating and ruthless as her husband and although their marriage clearly smacks of convenience rather than love, they make for a perfect match.


At once beautiful, fierce, sexy and terrifying, she’s probably best admired from afar because Lord knows you don’t want to end up on her bad side.

9. Breaking the fourth wall…

We’re scared of Frank… but that doesn’t mean we don’t want him to be our friend.

10. Much more intriguing than Irish politics

You can forget your Leaders’ Questions on Oireachtas TV, these guys might be actors but they’re better-dressed (no pink polo shirts over here, no sirree), better-looking and talk about topics far more interesting than the folks on Kildare Street.

11. The soundtrack

Full of dark undertones and haunting bass-lines, it’s the most suitable backdrop for its subject material since Mogwai’s soundtrack for Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait.

12. The supporting characters

From Reg E. Cathey’s tough-as-nails Freddy to Michael Kelly’s inscrutable Doug Stamper (he raises his voice once in Season Two, and it’s a show stopper), there are some fascinating background players away from the Underwoods, Zoe Barnes and a President who only gets blander and blander the longer the series goes on. Pushing Spacey front and centre means we never get an ensemble piece like The Wire, but the acting chops here are not to be denied.

13. Ribs

If you don’t come away from this craving some of Freddy’s finest barbequed produce, then you can get out of our site immediately. Just go!

14. The final seconds of the second series…

Wouldn’t you like to know?

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