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Movies & TV

23rd Oct 2013

JOE’s Film Podcast – Episode I: The Funtime Menace

A long time ago (this week) in a galaxy far, far away (the offices of

Eoghan Doherty

A long time ago (this week) in a galaxy far, far away (the offices of…

DOWNLOAD OR SUBSCRIBE HERE (This week’s episode will be up real soon)

Welcome one and all to the first ever JOE film podcast where commander-in-chief Mike Sheridan, token Northern lackey Eoghan Doherty, and resident office fancy dan Adrian Collins, discuss this week’s latest cinematic releases including Captain Phillips and Enough Said.

The JOEs also make an inordinate amount of amazing woeful puns, all while discussing unconventional movie stars, our favourite film trailers and Mike repeatedly bangs on about the fact that he has a girlfriend.

OK Mike. We get it.

JOE wants you to get in on the act too by emailing us at [email protected] (with ‘Film Podcast’ in the title), tweeting us @JOEdotie, or get in touch via Facebook where you can send us your thoughts on new releases, the Irish Box Office and anything film-related in general.

Just don’t send us nudey pics, OK?

JOE also wants your suggestions in helping to come up with a potentially perfect and preferably puntastic podcast title. You’ll hear the three lads discussing the matter in the podcast itself and so far the (quite long) short list consists of:

‘Three Angry Men’

‘Three Aggro Men’

‘The Big Reviewski’

‘Say Anything’

‘Look Who’s Talking’

‘JOE’s Funtime Film Confabulations’

‘ApocaLIPS Now’

‘The Podfather’

‘JOE talkin’ to me!?’

So get on it and get listening film fans. The person who comes up with the best film podcast title will win nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge