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02nd Dec 2014

North Korea were definitely not happy with James Franco and Seth Rogan’s new film

Apparently the Asian nation has refused to deny they were behind a recent hack of Sony...

Alan Loughnane

Apparently the Asian nation has refused to deny they were behind a recent hack of Sony…

According to the Irish Mirror, North Korea was asked yesterday if it was behind the cyber-attack and officials replied; “Wait and see”. Oh North Korea, you little tease…

Since the hack, five films have been leaked online including the not yet released remake of Annie and other blockbuster titles such as Fury, starring Brad Pitt.

Sony Pictures are behind the new James Franco and Seth Rogen comedy called The Interview, which sees two American reporters recruited by the CIA to assassinate the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un.

While we’re slightly sceptical about the whole situation and whether or not North Korea would take such an interest in a comedy film, it must be said that when the film was announced, the communist state complained to the United Nations.

Lets face it, any film with Seth Rogen and James Franco cannot be taken seriously. Has Kim Jong-un not seen This is the End?

The trailer for the new movie The Interview is below and it is actually hilarious so if North Korea did hack Sony, we plead with them not to do anything to ruin the movie for us…

Video via Sony Pictures Entertainment.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge