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17th Jul 2013

Video: Catching up with Breaking Bad with this excellent Five Season recap video

Time to get your revision on BITCH!

Eoghan Doherty

Need another quick hit of Breaking Bad to satisfy your addiction to the greatest ever TV shows? Then look no further.

One friendly internet dweller has compiled pretty much all of the major plot points and characters of the first five seasons (so far) into this great nine minute video clip.

Yeah science!

Think of it as your very own personal revision tutor ahead of the August airing of the final part of the final season, as we all eagerly wait to see how things pan out for everyone’s favourite chemistry-teacher-turned-expert-meth-cooker, Walter White (Bryan Cranston).

If you’re a fan of one of the best shows ever made then just watching this epic refresher makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside… but that may have something to do with the crystal meth you took earlier today.

Needless to say there are spoilers galore so watch at your own peril. Bitch.