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02nd Oct 2013

Video: Cyclist barely avoids death at a level crossing

We have a feeling the cyclist in question left a few skid marks behind… if you know what we mean.

Oisin Collins

We have a feeling the cyclist in question left a few skid marks behind… if you know what we mean.

A cyclist over in Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, had a seriously close call with a train recently, after she attempted to cycle through a level crossing even though the barriers were clearly down…

The train races past just inches away from the cyclist’s front wheel and as soon as the locomotive clears the crossing, which only takes a few seconds, the cyclist mops her brow in relief.

The incident occurred on September 12 just gone and police are currently searching for the woman so they can have a little ‘chat’.

A spokesperson for the British Transport Police (BTP), said: “… this sort of thing is a criminal offence and people can be charged with failure to obey traffic signs or failure to stop.”

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We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.

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