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21st Sep 2023

Sicario 3 is officially in the works

Rory Cashin

We’ve been waiting a LONG time for this to be confirmed…

Released in cinemas in 2015, Sicario is one of the best thrillers to come from Hollywood in the 21st century so far. Starring Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin and Benicio Del Toro, set against the cartel war taking place on the US/Mexico border, it was directed to perfection by Denis Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049, Prisoners), based on a terrific screenplay by Taylor Sheridan (Hell Or High Water, Yellowstone).

In 2018, we got the first sequel, Sicario: Day Of The Soldado, which recently celebrated its fifth anniversary, at which point JOE took the time to dig into how completely underrated it is. In the five years since then, there have rumours and rumblings about the threequel, but nothing absolutely concrete.

Sicario 3

A horror movie disguised as an action thriller, the first Sicario is an absolute masterclass in tension

This week, while chatting to The Messenger for their new John Wick spin-off show The Continental (more on that here), producers Basil Iwanyk and Erica Lee were quizzed about the Sicario threequel, and the duo confirmed that it was indeed officially in the works.

“Oh yeah,” Iwanyk says, with Lee then adding: “When we can continue writing it. It was pencils down, but the idea is awesome.”

Iwanyk then continues: “I can’t wait for Sicario 3. I could watch Benicio play that guy forever. I mean, I can watch Benicio in anything, but with that character, it doesn’t get old.”

From the sounds of that, Del Toro is definitely going to be back for the third movie (he became the focus of the action in Day Of The Soldado), but no confirmation if Brolin and/or Blunt might also return. We can but hope.

In the meantime, Sicario is available to stream on Netflix, while Day Of The Soldado is available to rent for €2.99 on Google Play and Rakuten TV.

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